Hey everyone I just wanted to share a project that I made this weekend. I had found some tutorials on a couple of ladies blogs that I follow and just had to make these crepe paper roses. It was so fun and so rewarding and pretty cheap. I made roses to put on a ball but I think that I will also be making these roses to put on cards and scrapbook pages as well. They are so fun and so so cute!
I just used crepe paper that I picked up at Target, I think it was about $1.50 a roll and for the 8" ball that I used I used 1 1/2 rolls. The Styrofoam ball was the most expensive at 15.99 but i used a 40 percent coupon at Michael's to purchase it, so whatever that comes out to be, like $8.50. I love the finished product and can't wait to finish a couple more. I'm hoping to hang them in my scrapbook room when I get it all cleaned up and put together. (who knows when that will happen though?) I will link up the ladies that I got the ideas from. First it was Danielle over at homespun with heart (http://danielleflanders.blogspot.com/2010/01/crepe-paper-roses.html) Danielle also has a wonderful video showing you how to make these beautiful roses. She uses tissue paper but it is the same idea. Then there is the House of Smith's blog that I have just found. She has some wonderful home decorating ideas along with a vinyl business that she does. You need to check her out also, this is where I got the idea for the crepe paper rolls from Target. (http://houseofsmiths.blogspot.com/2010/02/hanging-roses-i-was-browsing-blogs.html)
I hope you all enjoy! Have a great Monday everyone!