Monday, May 17, 2010

Okay I'm not going to lie...I'm pretty impressed with myself that I'm going to be posting another post. Wow! Maybe I can do this. I just need to take some more pictures of things that I have done so that I have something to post about. Not sure you all want to hear about all the crazy exciting stuff that goes on in my house everyday. Well you probably do but I don't know if you can had this craziness yet. Maybe later this week I can tell you a funny story about my son, Evan, who is 2. It has something to do with him and the floor vent! I'm pretty sure you will never in a million years guess what he did.

Here is a project that I made a month ago probably of a day at the apple orchard. It isn't anything fancy it was really easy to put together but I love the end results. I had used a sketch for this layout. I'm not sure exactly where I got the sketch from and I can't seem to find it anywhere otherwise I might have posted it with this.

I had seen a sticker somewhere which was my inspiration for the apple I created in my title. Super cute and a very quick layout to put together.

I have had a pretty busy weekend and need to try to catch up on some house work. Then to top it all off my hubby just called from work and he is coming home sick. It is so 11 and I haven't done anything yet today. Good thing he has an hour long trip home so I can run around all crazy like and at least try to make it look like I haven't been hanging out in blog land this beautiful Monday morning! Thanks for stopping in and who knows maybe you will see me again tomorrow??

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Okay so I haven't been on here in forever. I know I know I'm a total slacker. I really want to figure out this whole blog thing and post ideas and projects that I'm working on but for some reason it just never happens. It is so half way through the month of May already but I'm going to commit to posting 4 more times this month with pictures! What do you think? Probably isn't going to work just like the diet and the budget....but it sounds good right. I have to at least try. Cross your fingers!

So I was so excited to log onto my blog tonight and to see 2 comments. ( Yeah I really haven't been on my blog since March. How sad is that?) Wow my first comments ever. I'm way excited....I'm super duper excited. But the coolest part of all is that it is Shelly....yes Shelly from House of Smiths and Julie from Starting Now....Seriously wow! I mean they are practically famous...well they are famous at my house anyways. They are 2 very talented ladies that I happen to pop in on at least once a day, if not more. Yes I'm a blog stalker! Shelly has the most amazing home improvement blog and vinyl lettering business and Julie is a scrapbooker who makes amazing them both! Thanks ladies for the wonderful comments. Makes me feel like maybe I can actually be someone in this blog world. Maybe someone really will see me....maybe! Thanks for the kind words and hopefully I can create something again to make you pop in and say hello!

Wow Wow Wow is all I can say right now. I kind of want to wake up the hubby and tell him about it but it is so 12:56 am and he'll be like Shelly who? Julie who? Then I will remind him of the funny story about the lady that left a bad comment on Shelly's blog and how she posted it all for everyone to see....and Julie the one I just made that awesome scrapbook page with the kids at Easter using her sketch? Then he will remind me that I'm crazy and to go to bed.

Good Night all, thanks again ladies!